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Have you ever wondered why you look like your relatives?

Have you ever wondered why you have the habits or idiosyncrasies that your mom, dad, or grandparents have?

These are good questions.

Have you ever wondered why you keep getting the same result over and over and over again?

Have you here asked yourself why individuals who have a phenomenal education (degrees coming out the end of their business cards) are not doing very well?

While others who never saw the inside of a school are earning millions of dollars, building giant organizations and doing all kinds of good all over the world.

Have you asked yourself these important questions?

Bob Proctor did. In fact, he has spent the last 55 years asking nothing but those questions. Do you know something, “Seek and thou shalt find,” is good advice.

If you’re looking for it, you’re going to find it. Bob Proctor is going to explain while all these things happen.

He is going to explain paradigms in such a way that a child could understand them, without insulting your intelligence.

Now, let's think for a moment. Our mind controls everything. Dr. J. B. Rhine said, “The mind is the greatest power in all creation.”

Now, people will say, “No, God is the greatest power.” However, God is the greatest power, but the mind is the greatest power in all creation. God is the creator and the mind is the creation.

Do you know that your sub-conscious mind is programmed with something called a paradigm?

Do you know what a paradigm is?

Do you know what a paradigm is? A paradigm is a multitude of habits.

A habit is nothing but an idea that is fixed in the subconscious mind that you act on without any conscious thought.

It's our actions that produce our results. If we really want to get technical, it’s the action that causes a reaction. The action and reaction then alter the conditions, circumstances, and environment in our life.

We are programmed genetically and that’s why we look like our relatives. But then after birth, we are programmed by our outside world.

Let’s say you were born in New Jersey, USA to an English-speaking Roman Catholic family, but you were then taken to China and placed in the suburbs with a family that knows nothing about English. They might be Buddhist, or they might not have any religion.

Do you know that you would grow up in that family fluent in Chinese and have absolutely no knowledge of the English language?

You see, whatever goes into our subconscious mind when we are children becomes programming.

Bob Proctor Explains How To Achieve Success By Changing Your Paradigm


We are programmed genetically as well as environmentally

We are programmed genetically as well as environmentally. At a certain age, a psychic barrier comes up in our subconscious mind, and we develop something called a conscious mind.

Our conscious mind is hooked up to our sensory factors such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Also in the conscious mind, we have something called higher faculties, like intellectual factors. These are perception, intuition, will, reason, imagination, etc.

All these marvelous tools are in the conscious mind.

There is a power that flows into our conscious mind, and we have the power to think anything we want to think.

Do you know what we are going to think about? We are going to think thoughts that are in harmony with the paradigm in our subconscious mind.

The paradigm controls the vibration that your body is in

This is because the paradigm controls the vibration that your body is in. And make no mistake about it, your body is in vibration.

Vibration is a law of the universe. The law of vibration decrees that everything moves. Nothing rests. This physical instrument t that we’re living in is in a very high state of vibration.

If you looked at it through a microscope, you would see it dancing right before your eyes. In fact, if you put your body in a completely dark room in front of an infer-red television camera you’d see yourself as a glistening, radiating form.

In 1934, Semyon Kirlian, the Russian photographer, perfected a form of photography where you can photograph the body, and you will see the ray of energy coming from the body.

There is a power that flows into you and flows to and through you. When it comes in, it has no form.

You can build negative ideas, or you can build positive ideas. We build ideas that are in harmony with the paradigm in our subconscious mind.

Do you know why? If the paradigm is built with X-type energy, you are going to think X-type thoughts.

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You will never become wealthy with a paradigm of lack and limitation

If you have been raised with a paradigm where lack and limitation are common, then you will never become wealthy.

If you think intellectually in the conscious mind that you can become wealthy, but the paradigm in your subconscious mind says “no”, then you will probably take the power that flows into your conscious mind (that you can make anything out of you want) and you will make ideas that are in harmony with your paradigm.

This is because it’s the ideas that you impress upon the subconscious that controls the vibration. If you start to impress Y-type ideas onto a paradigm built with X-type energy, you are going to move into a very uncomfortable vibration.

What would be a Y-type idea? A Y-type idea would be, “Quit your job, sell your house and invest it in a business to be your boss.”

Now, that would be a Y-type idea that would scare the daylights out of most people. Why? Because it’s not in harmony with the paradigm.

Your paradigm controls your results

Your paradigm is controlling your results. You can have people with all types of degrees who are intellectually brilliant. But the results do not match.

You’ll find other people with no formal education or business experience that are earning millions of dollars.

Why? It’s the paradigm.

Think about that for a while. Bob Proctor knows what he’s talking about. He’s been studying it for 55 years. He’s taught psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioral scientists all over the world.

In fact, Bob Proctor has taught it in over 100 different countries, and it works like magic every time.

Do you want to know why? The whole universe operates by law, and so do we.

What you need to do is to learn how to change your paradigm. Bob Proctor has a seminar that is directed at changing your paradigm, and when you change your paradigm, you change your entire life.

At the Paradigm Shift Seminar, you will discover how you can transform your finances, health, and lifestyle when you change your mental programming – your paradigm.


Bob Proctor Teaches How Embracing Loss Leads to Success

In 1951, Bob Proctor started studying “Think and Grow Rich” and it transformed his life, in addition to studying the book. Bob listened to Earl Nightingale’s condensed recording of the book thousands of times. Then, Bob worked shoulder-to-shoulder with Earl Nightingale at Nightingale-Conant from 1968 to 1973, before leaving to start his own personal development company. Today, Bob has studied thousands of books, continues to read “Think and Grow Rich” every day, and is considered the world’s foremost expert on the human mind.


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