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Do you know who you are?

This may seem a strange question to most people. But according to Bob Proctor, it's one of the most important questions you could ask yourself… because not knowing could be holding you back from achieving the success you've been striving for.

Bob Proctor is a world-renowned speaker who teaches his principles of personal and financial success. He was also one of the key figures in the worldwide hit film ‘The Secret'.

In this classic video, he teaches you how to find out who you really are and how to use your answers to achieve your goals and live an extraordinary fulfilling life.

Do You Know Who You Really Are?

Unfortunately, according to Bob Proctor, most of us are not self-aware enough to walk in the reality of our vision for success. He states that not only are we at a loss as to who we really are at the deepest level of ourselves, but we also have no knowledge of how to start the process of soul-searching.

As a result, we begin to look outward for the answers and signposts that will tell us who we are and how we can get to achieve the success we want. But this is counterproductive.

Bob Proctor do you know who you are

Below, we look at what you need to know to get started on discovering who you really are and how to chart your own path to success.

1. Become more self-aware

Becoming self-aware is the first step to figuring out who you are and how to be successful. While it's true that the individual trappings, characteristics, and visions of success may differ from one person to the next, there are still common beliefs across the board as to what success is.

One of these beliefs includes being willing to observe yourself and paying attention to your thoughts. As you begin to pay attention to your thoughts, you will become aware of how you build images from these thoughts.  You will then begin to see how these images you have built become replicas for the life you build for yourself.

2. Get goal specific

As you begin to become more aware of how you think, how you behave, and the realities you create for yourself, the next step is to get specific. Decide what you really want. Write down what you really want and carry it around with you and read it constantly.

Begin to think about how you can go about achieving this goal or ideal, while relinquishing any thoughts of why you cannot. As you begin to think about how you can achieve your goals, images of how you can bring your vision into reality will begin to pop up in your mind.

3. Get a mentor

Find someone you can go to for advice. This person should be someone who is living and embodying the kind of life you want for yourself. Lock into this person and learn from them. You can also learn from books and other useful media.


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Barriers to success

1. Our early conditioning: is one of the greatest barriers to success. Our conditioning for the most part comes from our environment and the things we learn as we grow and develop.

Our early interactions help to shape our thinking and what we think is possible or not possible. Unfortunately, we are often conditioned with those things that do not necessarily benefit us.

2. Societal conditioning: defines what it regards as success and so tells us what we should do with our lives and how we should live to achieve that definition of success. The status quo as determined by societal conditioning is not always the best way to get to your point of personal success.

3. Following the masses: can be one of the worst things you can do as far as it concerns self-awareness and embodying your personal success. This is because statistics indicate that the masses get it wrong most of the time.

Most people will work for most of their adult lives, and at the end have very little to show for it financially when they retire — leaving them feeling dissatisfied financially as well as on a deeply personal level.

However, as Bob Proctor shows in this video that once you start finding out who you really are, you will realize that you can use your mind for your benefit or your detriment.

Once you realize this you can start discovering what you want in life, how to set goals, and how to achieve them. This can change those living a life of ‘quiet desperation' to living one filled with abundance, freedom, passion, and overall awesomeness.

So if you are serious about manifesting the life that you TRULY want…generating more income … and experiencing a powerfully abundant lifestyle for this year and beyond… you can GET STARTED RIGHT HERE!


Bob Proctor Teaches How Embracing Loss Leads to Success

In 1951, Bob Proctor started studying “Think and Grow Rich” and it transformed his life. In addition to studying the book, he listened to Earl Nightingale’s condensed recording of the book thousands of times. Then, Bob worked shoulder-to-shoulder with Earl Nightingale at Nightingale-Conant from 1968 to 1973, before leaving to start his own personal development company. Today, Bob has studied thousands of books, continues to read “Think and Grow Rich” every day, and is considered the world’s foremost expert on the human mind and personal development.


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